Monday, November 06, 2006

Arriving in Bangkok and my room

First off I thought you might like to see my living quarters. Here's a picture of the road I amstaying on (got this one off the Internet 'cause I forgot to go outside and take one.

When I first arrived here after about 24 hours of traveling, my plane arrived at 1 am (late). I took a cab to Khao San Rd. and checked into my cheap hostel, which cost about $8/night.

My room is sparse and consists of a bed, no top sheet, a toilet/shower (cold water) and an air conditioner...which is a life saver because it's so hot.

Here is my room:
It's pretty much all I need...a bed, a place to hang my backpack, and enough space to unpack my my stuff.

Next is the bathroom.

As you can see the toilet is directly beneath the shower faucet, so that when I take a shower everything gets wet. I've been closing the toilet during my showers, but maybe they keep them open to recycle water...I really have no idea when it comes to this stuff, although I've started brushing my teeth while showering since I don't have an official sink. What I have is in the next picture.

This is the up close and personal view of my toilet/"toilet paper"/faucet. On the right is my faucet where I sometimes brush my teeth. To the left of that is the "toilet paper". You see, instead of using paper they sort of spray themselves like a bidet, or if there isn't a spray they just dip their left hand in water and wipe...
The toilet is actually nice. I was told I'd only have holes to squat in. If you look closely there seems to be a present in their from a previous guest, or a stain...I'm not doing any detective work to find out.

So that's my living quarters so far. I'm running out of Internet time, but I"ll write about my first few days here the next time I get.

I'm traveling north to Chiang Mai tomorrow...more pictures to come!


Anonymous said...

Cute hotel, maybe get some Purell :) Looks like you've got an adventure ahead.. Although, looking at the picture of the street, you travelled halfway across the world to get STARBUCKS?!?

Keep the posts coming!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are so settled in!!! The street looks like just a walking motorized vehicles. Is it just a shopping mall area? Hope you are having a great time. Stay cool and continue keeping us posted. It is very reassuring for us back home. Love you forever, Mom

Anonymous said...

Sweeeeeeeeeeet digs Mikey!

Love the built-in yellow/brown toilet. Are you like Kramer having meals in the shower?
