Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I visited this beautiful waterfall in Laos...and also went swimming!

No, I'm not a millionaire...the currency in Lao is in hundreds of thousands of kip. This is about $100 worth of money...it makes one feel rich.

Here's a cool spider that I saw in Laos.

Here's me, a monk, and some sort of grasshopper.

Cute Laos kids who first tried to sell us bracelets, but ended up being happier having us take pictures of them and then showing them the pics!

Who has the longer tongue???

Okay, that's enough pictures for now. I'm currently in Phuket, Thailand spending my days on the beach. This weekend I plan on starting a 3 day diving course so I can explore the ocean around Phuket, which is one of the top 10 dive spots in the world...I'm pretty excited.


Unknown said...

I hate to break it to you, that's not a grasshopper, that's a praying mantis ;).

Anonymous said...

Looks like you're having fun, RichJerk (http://www.richjerk.com).