Today I finished up all my last minute packing. I got all my stuff into this bag. It's packed to the brim, so I'm sure I'll have to get rid of some stuff once I get there. Plus it doesn't help that I have two roles of toilet paper packed (the soft kind) because I heard that a lot of places don't provide you with any.
Angela also buzzed my hair today. It's probably the shortest it's ever been, but at least I won't have to worry about styling my hair while I'm abroad, or washing it for that matter.
Also, I'm going to try and carry it on...we'll see how that goes. I really don't want to wait in line at midnight to pick up my bag. Plus it could get lost during my layover in Seoul.
Anyway, I'm waking up early tomorrow to catch my noon plane. I'll be arriving in Bangkok 24 hours later. It's okay, though, because when I went to JMU I took a Greyhound from Harrisonburg to Maine that lasted 23 hours...and I get free drinks on the plane!
See you all in Southeast Asia.
If you have forgotten a pair of socks don't worry, I'm ready, I'll send them soon , tell me where when you want, and at the end ... on fire! Ideally I'm walking with you just like two years ago!
Buon Cammino
Thanks for the help! I actually brought five pairs of socks this time, and the funning thing is I'll be doing less walking!
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